Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Beating:

The beating in my chest and the mess that I am, I try to make it sound better than I really am. I really confused and I am not sure where I am going or what the Lord wants but faithful I trust Him and walk in the foot steps hoping the lead to the path that is everlasting. Faithfully I breathe each breath knowing there is a purpose behind it knowing not what it is and may very well never know.

Its almost as though my heart and mind are in two different places. My heart being with Christ, but my mind off in the world wanting life to be easy and planned so I could be sure that I do nothing wrong or in my own timing. Faithful He is to bring me to a new place each day, not sure about the next minute, but confident that His direction will be clear.

I am a mess. I am a mess that is stress, but honestly I am truly blessed to have a God that care about me so much that He knitted me in my mothers womb. He knew my trails I would go thought and the troubles I would bring on myself because of disbelief and sinfulness. Never to question is there a God, but to question myself to why I am not following Him and running as fast I can to Communion with Him.

Its scary to be in the world alone and its a good thing that we were not molded and left. but the sweet savior Jesus came and was an example of life. Have you ever really thought about how Jesus while on the cross was totally without God and called out Fatherrrrrr and there was no answer. If there was an answer Jesus would not of stuffed what we will go through if not a follower. With our name written on His chest and on His hands He was layed to rest. Jesus was dead crush for each and everyone of our sins. Jesus paid the ransom in full and said it is finished.

The 3rd day he rose. He got up and walked, and showed Him self to a women to first spread the good news. Rejoice oh fools the Lord has raise and will live again. Beating hearts can here this plea and do nothing.

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